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  • Writer's pictureLuke Rooney

New city to be built from scratch north of Brisbane

Caboolture West in Moreton Bay has been picked as the pilot site of a planning strategy to ensure infrastructure can keep pace with population growth and housing demand in south-east Queensland.

Vacant land north of Brisbane will be developed into a new district about the size of Bundaberg as part of a planning experiment by the state government.

The population of south-east Queensland’s “200-kilometre city” was predicted to grow by 1.5 million to 5 million in 20 years, making it about the same population as Sydney in 2021.

The 258-hectare neighbourhood development plan at Caboolture West was the first in the growth program, which Deputy Premier and Planning Minister Steven Miles said would improve housing choice and affordability. “I asked for the team’s first priority to be to identify a pilot site where the state and council could work with the private sector and utility providers to support future housing needs,” he said.

“Work will also identify the infrastructure necessary to support more affordable, liveable communities.

“Working together on the pilot, we can test, evaluate and learn from a co-ordinated effort to plan for future housing needs.”


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